Cheek Lift

Younger patients with early signs of mid facial ageing are among those who may benefit from a cheek lift technique that utilizes incisions typically used for lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), often eliminating the need for incisions in front of the ears and within the temporal hairline. This procedure is relatively new (first reported in medical journals in 1996).

The goal of the cheek lift is to correct the four most important aspects of mid facial ageing: gradual sagging of the cheek skin, descent of the cheek fat, deepening of the “tear trough” where the lower eyelid meets the cheek, and exaggeration of the nasolabial folds (the deep lines running from the corners of the nose to the sides of the mouth).

The main benefit of the transblepharoplasty cheek lift is that ageing of the mid face and eyelid can be corrected through a single incision in the lower lid. Through this incision, the soft tissues of the cheek can be elevated and secured, enhancing its contour and prominence without the need for cheek augmentation in most patients.

With more significant ageing, the cheek lift is combined with other procedures to correct sagging brows, remove excess skin, reduce fat accumulation beneath the chin, and tighten the deep tissues of the lower face and neck. These additional procedures may require conventional facelift incisions.

The results of this technique are said to provide a more effective and natural-appearing correction of mid facial ageing, while minimizing the potential for complications. It provides another option for younger patients who primarily need cheek elevation without undergoing a full facelift. For those patients with more advanced signs of ageing, the cheek lift in combination with a limited dissection facelift may result in less swelling and bruising, and therefore less ‘down time’ after surgery, than some other commonly performed techniques.

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